Thursday, May 8, 2008

What's My Daleel?

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu

so the other day i was praying Asr with another sister and i was leading it, and a bystander stopped us after and told us that it was "haram" for sister's to lead a prayer, no matter the situation. my friend and i tried to explain to the bystander that it was okay, and it is islamically correct and all that and the person didnt want to believe us. both the sister and I knew there was authentic hadith that supported our point of view, yet on the spot we couldn't provide the person wit the Daleel.
my point is this, i grew up knowing that many things are halal and haram. and everything in between is up for argument. it got to a point where i didnt question the unknown. whenever someone told me something, instead of me asking about the daleel, i just believed it.
We need to learn how to practice Islam based on daleel. we need to learn how to make decisions for ourselfs based on the Quran and Sunnah. it needs to reach a point where we learn how to search a topic and find daleel to help us practice real Islam. without that we are just blindly practicing Islam.


Anonymous said...

That sister may have been basing it on one of the madhahibs , some which we are very much unfamiliar with. According to the Hanafi madhab - it is not permissible for a sister to lead others in congregation.
I have not read the article in full but it came up under the search.

It may help to understand where the sister was comng from. And you are right, do not follow the faith blindly - but both of you were correct according to your own beliefs. I do suggest you check in with your local shaykh to double check on this ... Wallahu ta'ala a'lam

Wafaa said...

And this is true. I found differences of opinion on the matter. and i advise anyone and everyone to always find enough information to support your point of view before acting upon it. thats the importance of daleel, that in the end you decided to do something based on enough reason for the sake of Allah(swt).