About MAS
Muslim American Society (MAS) is a charitable, religious, social, cultural, educational, and not-for-profit organization. It is a pioneering Islamic organization, an Islamic revival, and reform movement that uplifts the individual, the family, and the society. 

MAS Youth
"To move young people to strive for God-consciousness and social justice and convey Islam with utmost clarity."

"Conforming to the Society's mission and ensuring a bright future for Islam in America, MAS considers Islamic work among all segments of Muslim youth a top priority. Youth work proved and continues to prove to be one of the most challenging, yet effective, areas of Islamic work. MAS believes that Tarbiya is a core process to build the Muslim society, and this process is very critical for youth.The youth are the future leaders of the Muslim community, and MAS believes that it is its duty to prepare them for that critical and important role. All objectives and means of the Tarbiya Department are used to develop and train Muslim youth.

MAS methodology and programs have always attracted Muslim youth. And after a short transition period, MAS is once again a hub for youth who aspire to fulfill all their potential and who are not satisfied with occasional and/or nominal participation in Islamic (community) activities/functions: those who subscribe to the belief that reform (enjoying what is good and forbidding what is evil) is an essential part of Islam and is both mandatory and necessary, and requires collective and organized efforts. MAS Youth has established dozens of chapters led by well-trained youth workers."

MAS Youth as a division of MAS is giving roots, nurturing, and establishing organized and efficient, movement oriented, Islamic work amongst all segments of youth based on the comprehensive understanding of Islam.

- Preserve the Islamic identity of our youth
- Provide them with an Islamic environment to socialize with other Muslim youth
- Strengthen the bonds of brotherhood/sisterhood among them
- Empower the Islamic values in the youth and attach them to the Islamic teachings
- Train our youth to develop and improve their leadership and Dawah skills

Our objective is to build a new generation of men and women who understand Islam, adhere to it, and call for it.

Local Chapters

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