Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Building a Foundation for a Growing Community

Muslim American Society, Southern California
Invites You To
Annual Ramadan Banquet
"Building a Foundation for a Growing Community"
Guest Speakers
Imam Suhaib Webb
Hossam Al-Jabri
Imam Mahdi Bray
Tickets: $45
Limited Space, Purchase Your Ticket Today!
Click To Purchase:
Friday September 3rd
6:00 pm
Westin Hotel LAX
5400 Century Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
For more information please see below or call (951) 440-5270

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MAS-IE: Ramadan 2010 "A Complete Ramadan Program"

Assalamu 'alaykum

MAS IE Presents: "Do Not Despair"

A complete Ramadan Program 

Please join us!!!

For questions/concerns, please email us at mas.ie.coordinators@gmail.com

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Break your Fast with Dates

It has been narrated by Anas (radiallaahu 'anhu), who said, "The Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to break his Sawm (fasting) before performing Maghrib prayer with three fresh date-fruits; if there were no fresh date-fruits, he would eat three dry dates; and if there were no dry date-fruits; he would take three draughts of water." [At-Tirmidhi]

Feed a Fasting Person

The Prophet(PBUH) said: "Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward." [At-Tirmidhi, authenticated by Al-Albaani (rahimahullaah).]

Heart Wheel Journal

Muhammad Alshareef has created a program called the "HeartWheel Journal". The HeartWheel Journal allows you to focus on eight slices of your heart, extracted from the Qur’an and Sunnah. It's a 30-Day program, so it's perfect for maximizing Ramadan.

You can download it here or you can purchase a printed copy here.

Ramadan Kareem :)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Whoever fasts Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping to attain Allah’s rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari).

"Believe in Allah and His apostle, and spend (in charity) out of the (substance) whereof He has made you heirs. For, those of you who believe and spend (in charity),- for them is a great Reward." [Surat Al-Hadid (7), Ayah #7]

"But teach (thy Message) for teaching benefits the Believers." [Surat Az-Zariyat (51), Ayah #55]
May Allah(swt) accept our fasting, accept our tears, forgive our sins, and extend our years. May this blessed month be a source of mercy, guidance, unity, and peace that permeates throughout the world. I ask Allah(swt) to purify us during this blessed month, increase our Imaan and Taqwa, and accept from us our prayers and good deeds. May Allah(swt) make it a month of happiness for you, your family, and your community.
Ameen :)

Beautiful do’a for Ramadan

By Mohamad Joban

O ALLAH, on this month, take us closer towards Your pleasure, keep us way from Your anger and punishment, grant us the opportunity to recite Your verses (of the Qur'an), by Your mercy, O the most Merciful.

O ALLAH, grant us wisdom and awareness, keep us away from foolishness and pretension, grant us a share in every blessing You send down, by You generosity, O the most Generous.

O ALLAH, place us among those who seek forgiveness. Place us among Your righteous and obedient servants, and place us among Your close awliyaa, by Your kindness, O the most Merciful.

O ALLAH, let us have mercy on the orphans, and feed [the hungry], and spread peace, and keep company with the noble-minded, O the shelter of the hopeful.

O ALLAH, make us, among those who rely on You, from those who You consider successful, and place us among those who are near to you, by Your favor, O goal of the seekers.

O ALLAH, beautify us with covering and chastity, cover us with the clothes of contentment and chastity, let us adhere to justice and fairness, and keep us safe from all that We fear, by Your protection, O the protector of the frightened.

O ALLAH, purify us from un-cleanliness and dirt, make us patient over events that are decreed, grant us the ability to be pious, and keep company with the good, by Your help, O the beloved of the destitute.

O ALLAH, grant us compatibility with the good, keep us away from patching up with the evil, lead us in it, by Your mercy, to the permanent abode, by Your God ship, O the God of the worlds.

O ALLAH, multiply for us its blessings, and ease our path towards its bounties, do not deprive us of the acceptance of its good deeds, O the Guide towards the clear truth.

O ALLAH, we ask You for what pleases You, and We seek refuge in You from what displeases You, We ask You to grant us the opportunity to obey You and not disobey You, O One who is generous with those who ask.

O ALLAH, bestow on us the blessings of Laylatul Qadr, change our affairs from (being) difficult to (being) easy, accept our apologies, and decrease for us [our] sins and burdens, O the Compassionate with His righteous servants.

Dua is suspended between heaven and earth and none of it is taken up until you send blessings upon your Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).” (Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi).

Payers and best Blessings upon our beloved Mohammed SAW his noble family RA andal of his companion RA...amin.

O ALLAH, grant us a share in its nawafil (recommended prayers), honor us by attending to our difficulties, make closer the means to approach You, from all the means, O One who is not preoccupied by the requests of the beseechers.

O ALLAH, on this blessed month, cover us with Your mercy, grant us in it success and protection, purify our hearts from the darkness of false accusations, O the Merciful to His believing servants.


MAS Youth's "In the Shade of Ramadan" Video Series

Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatu,

Looking for a quick yet inspiring means to help renew your intentions daily before work? MAS Youth National wants to help you boost your spirituality during the holy month of Ramadan. As we have done so in previous years, we have re-launched our In the Shade of Ramadan video series.

Short, motivational, and illuminating video clips, given by notable MAS members, will be posted each day during the month of Ramadan. Various topics will be covered and discussion sections will be available. MAS Youth wants to provide you with a platform to ask and answer questions of all scopes.

Join us in taking advantage of this blessed month by tuning into our page on youtube daily. Join our groups on facebook and follow us on twitter! We want to work together as a society to contribute proper channels to educate one another!

Check out our videos daily on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/masyouth

Follow us on twitter: http://twitter.com/masyouth

Find us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/MAS-Youth/

Jazak Allahu Khair,
MAS Youth National