Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eid Mubarak!

Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu

Whether you celebrated Eid Al-Fitr today, tuesday september 30 or you celebrate tomorrow, wednesday october 1, i wanted to say Eid Mubarak! May Allah(swt) accept your good deeds and forgive your bad deeds. May He(swt) accept your prayer and fasts and bless you with his mercy and forgiveness. Ameen

Description of Eid prayer

Question: What is the description of the Eid prayer?.
Answer by Sheikh Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid,

Praise be to Allaah. The Eid prayer is one where the imam attends and leads the people in praying two rak’ahs. ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The prayer of al-Fitr is two rak’ahs and the prayer of al-Adha is two rak’ahs, complete and not shortened, on the tongue of your Prophet, and the one who fabricates lies is doomed.” Narrated by al-Nasaa’i, 1420 and Ibn Khuzaymah. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Nasaa’i.

It was narrated that Abu Sa’eed said: The Messenger of Allaah SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to come out on the day of al-Fitr and al-Adha to the prayer place, and the first thing he would do was to offer the prayer. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 956

In the first rak’ah he should say Takbeerat al-ihraam (say “Allaahu akbar” to start the prayer), after which he should say six or seven more takbeers, because of the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her), “The takbeer of al-Fitr and al-Adha is seven takbeers in the first rak’ah and five takbeers in the second, apart from the takbeer of rukoo’.” Narrated by Abu Dawood and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa’ al-Ghaleel, 639.

Then he should recite al-Faatihah, and recite Soorat Qaf in the first rak’ah. In the second rak’ah he should stand up saying takbeer, and when he has stood up completely he should say takbeer five times, and recite Soorat al-Faatihah then Soorat al-Qamr. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite these two soorahs during the two Eids. Or if he wishes he can recite Soorat al-A’la in the first rak’ah and Soorat al-Ghaashiyah in the second, because it was narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite al-A’la and al-Ghaashiyah in the Eid prayer.

The imam should revive the Sunnah be reciting these soorahs so that the Muslims will become familiar with the Sunnah.

After the prayer, the imam should address the people. Part of the khutbah should be addressed specifically to the women, telling them of the things that they should do and warning them against the things that they should avoid, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to do.

See Fataawa Arkaan al-Islam by Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him), p. 398; Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 8/300-316).

The prayer comes before the khutbah

One of the rulings of Eid is that the prayer comes before the khutbah, because of the hadeeth of Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah who said, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came out on the day of al-Fitr and started with the prayer before the khutbah. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 958; Muslim, 885.

Another indication that the khutbah comes after the prayer is the hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to come out to the prayer place on the day of al-Fitr and al-Adha, and the first thing he would start with was the prayer, then he would go and stand facing the people, while the people were sitting in their rows, and he would preach to them and advise them and command them. If he wanted to send out a military expedition he would do so and if he wanted to tell the people to do something he would do so, then he would leave.

Abu Sa’eed said: The people continued to do that until I went out with Marwaan – who was the governor of Madeenah – on Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr, and when we came to the prayer-place, there was a minbar that had been built by Katheer ibn al-Salt. When Marwaan wanted to ascend it before he prayed, I grabbed his garment and he pushed me away and climbed up and delivered the khutbah before the prayer. I said, “You have changed it by Allaah.”

He said, “O Abu Sa’eed, what you knew has gone.”

I said, “What I know, by Allaah, is better than what I do not know.”

He said, “The people will not sit and listen to us after the prayer, so we did it before the prayer.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 956.

Monday, September 29, 2008

8 Basic Errors Muslims make when Paying Zakat Al-Fitr

By Muhammad Alshareef, compliments of www.HeartWheelJournal.com

I feel compelled to put this together because I’ve seen
the following errors being committed even since I was a
young boy. In sha Allah, you can help me spread the word by
sharing this article with your community, friends and

What is Zakat ul-Fitr? Think “Iftar”, Zakat Ul-Fitr is
the charity that we pay at the end of Ramadan. Here is the
foundational hadith that establishes the obligation of
Zakat ul-Fitr:

Ibn `Umar reported that the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa
sallam), made Zakat al-Fitr compulsory on every slave,
freeman, male, female, young and old among the Muslims; one
Saa` (a measurement: four double handfuls) of dried dates or
one Saa` of barely.
[Sahih Bukhari - Arabic/English, vol. 2, p. 339, no. 579]

To understand Zakat ul-Fitr, here is a good summary of it:

But unfortunately, our community makes some basic errors in
the payment of Zakat Al-Fitr that must be clarified.

Error One: Paying at Eid Salah
Some people go to Eid prayers and drop money into the
donation box thinking that they have paid their Zakat
ul-Fitr. No, Zakat al-Fitr, which is food, must be in the
hands of the needy family BEFORE Eid prayer. If someone
goes to Eid prayer and pays then it is GUARANTEED that the
money will NOT arrive on time. And thus the person paying
is sinful for having missed the payment of Zakat al-Fitr.
May Allah forgive us.

Error Two: Snail mailing the money overseas
Basic principle as before: the Zakat al-Fitr, food, MUST be
in the hands of the needy BEFORE Eid prayer. One cannot mail
the money overseas and have it arrive in the hands of the
needy after Eid prayer is over.

However, if one is able to get the Zakah al-Fitr to the
needy overseas BEFORE Eid prayer is conducted in their
locality, then in sha Allah it’s alright.

Error Three: Not paying
Yes, as simple as this error is, it is HARAM to skip the
payment of Zakat Al-Fitr. EVERYONE must pay Zakat Al-Fitr,
every member of the household. So if you have 8 people in
your house, Zakat Al-Fitr must be paid x 8, even if the
youngest member is just a few days old.

Error Four: Confusing Zakat ul-Fitr with Zakat ul-Maal
We are talking about Zakat al-Fitr here (think “Iftar”,
i.e. Ramadan). Zakat Al-Maal (Maal literally means wealth),
is the Zakah due on ones money – and that could be due
any time during the year depending on when it was due.

Error Five: Giving money instead of food
Although some scholars have allowed giving money instead of
food, the spirit of Zakat Al-Fitr is to give food to the
needy of the community, NOT money.

The Companion of the Prophet, Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree, radi
Allahu 'anhu, said, "In the Prophet's time, we used to give
it (Zakatal-Fitr) as a sa` of food, dried dates, barley,
raisins or dried cheese".
[Bukhari - Arabic/English vol. 2, p. 340, no. 582]

Error Six: Giving one’s Zakah al-Fitr to a charitable
building project
Some people mistakenly give their Zakah Al-Fitr to a
charitable building project: like the building of a Masjid,
or Islamic school. There is a difference of opinion on this
issue, but suffice it to say that the spirit of Zakah
Al-Fitr is that the needy should have plentiful food on
Eid. All eight types of recipients of Zakah mentioned in
the Quran are HUMANS, not “building projects”.

Error Seven: Giving Zakat ul-Fitr to non-Muslims
Charity is given to both Non-Muslims and Muslims. However,
Zakah al-Fitr charity is something exclusive to the MUSLIM
poor and needy. Hence, one could not give Zakah Al-Fitr to
any needy person on the street. “Regular” charity can
be given to them, but not Zakah Al-Fitr.

Error Eight: Delaying distribution
Sometimes Masjids might collect Zakah Al-Fitr money and
then put it in a bank. It doesn’t reach the needy for
months and months. The correct method is to give Zakah
Al-Fitr immediately when it is due.

These are my eight. You are welcome to share other common
errors on my blog. www.DiscoverULife.com/Blog

In sha Allah, if you have Zakah questions, I encourage you
to seek counsel from your local sources of knowledge.
People you can speak to directly.

With best wishes to see you succeed at the highest level!
- Muhammad Alshareef

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Don't Let the Sand of Ramadan Slip Away

By: Muhammad Al-Shareef>

Imagine that you are on the beach. You are four years old. The camp leader has told you that you have five minutes to build a great castle.

“Quickly,” your three year old Ameer tells you, “the sand here is too soft. Run closer to the water and get better sand!”

Off you run and grab, with your tiny hands, as much sand as you can hold. But, as you run back, plop, plop, plop, you feel the sand slipping through your fingers. You can do nothing about it. In your haste, all the sand has slipped away. Bang. The competition is over. This is the analogy of our lives. This is the analogy of our time in Ramadan.

For many living in Western countries, Ramadan is passed daily with 9 to 5 jobs or school - nights where we may or may not go for Taraweeh. A peak at the TV (may Allah protect us) and the night is over. Back to work where all around us people are eating and drinking from crystal water fountains. Blink. Ramadan is over.

The question of the hour is: how do we take full advantage of this gift of Allah? This is our topic, before the sands of Ramadan slip away.

How many years have we been fasting Ramadan? 10 or 15 or 40 years? Are we 10 or 15 or 40 times better? Or, does it seem like we have arrived back at the drawing board every time Ramadan comes around? All acts of worship are for our own benefit! Don’t do it and harm befalls you, which is the way life was programmed.

Ramadan is no small matter. It is one of the pillars of this Deen of Islam – without it one’s Islam would not be complete. In this month, Rasul Allah – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – would intensify his worship of Allah ta’ala. In doing so, he laid the foundation for his Ummah after him to emulate.

Ibn AlQayyim – rahimahullaah – wrote: “From his blessed guidance – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – in Ramadan is that he used to intensify and diversify his actions of worship. So, for example, Jibreel used to rehearse the Qur’an with him during the nights of Ramadan. When Jibreel would visit him, he would intensify the amount of Sadaqah that he would give. He was the most generous out of all people – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – and Ramadan was the time when he was most generous. In Ramadan, he would fill his time with Sadaqah, treating people kindly, reciting Qur’an, performing Salah, remembering Allah, and performing I’tikaaf.” – from the book 'Zaad AlMa’aad'

Observers described the way Allah’s Messenger– sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – gave like Ar-Reeh AlMursalah, like the blessed wind. Why? The blessed wind, as they knew it, was a wind that brought coolness to everyone – no one was denied its blessing. The blessed wind, additionally, was not lazy in bringing its goodness to the people. It would come swiftly to all. This is how Rasul Allah – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – was described, and this is how our service to humanity should be: swift and encompassing. Bi idhnillah.

Below are ten ideas to and help make the most of Ramadan – before it slips through our hands.

Idea one: Compound Your Siyaam!
If you told your financial broker that you just want to keep money in the bank and save it, he would say, “You are wrong.” “Invest it in the stock market. That way your money will be compounded – you will earn multiple times what you put in.” So now I ask the question: Wouldn’t you love to get two times the reward of fasting Ramadan? How?

Zayd ibn Khaalid AlJuhanee narrates that the Prophet – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – said, “Whoever gives a fasting person (food) to break his or her fast, he (the one feeding) will get the reward equivalent to the (fasting persons) reward – without diminishing anything from the reward of the (fasting person).”

How do we do this? Ask any Muslim relief agency if they have a feed a fasting person program. Subhan Allah, you may find that it only costs $1 to feed a person! So, for $30 you could come out of Ramadan having doubled your reward.

And, we should not forget the needy in our city. We think that in a ‘modern’ western country or city there are no needy people. That is not true. There are many needy families that are waiting to be discovered. Ask around and you will find a gold mine of people to help, in your own backyard.

I speak about Washington, DC. If one was to have a food drive, all the food could go to needy Muslim families in DC and still not be enough! I’ve seen this with my own eyes. How blessed it would be to get the youth that just hang out in the back of the Masjid during Taraweeh to take on this task. Organize the collection of the food and distribute it. It can happen! It just takes a leader with vision to set this up for the youth and all the good people who want to make a difference.

Idea two: Operation Guide the Youth
Often in Ramadan, there are khaatirahs, words of wisdom, halaqahs and reminders, all geared to the adults praying Taraweeh. The youth, it seems, are being disrespectful by talking in the back of the masjid.

“Shhhhhsh!” someone shouts at them. “Listen or go outside (and we prefer if you just go outside)!” So, quietly they sneak out of the Masjid and chat and chill all Ramadan. How Eman boosting is that? Remember, Allah commands that you protect your wife and children also.

Try this: Just like there are things for the adults, we could have Ramadan activities and reminders geared specifically for the youth. And, it need not be ‘in’ the Masjid. Let’s say the youth like to chat and chill outside in the parking lot. Why not organize the activity there? Yes, on the basketball court or in the parking lot. Have a 5-minute Khatirah, play games with them, and give them some noble projects to complete in Ramadan.

Again, making a difference like this needs a leader with vision, one who recognizes that the youth are his or her responsibility. I pray that person is you!

Idea Three: Turnoff TV Month
Every parent knows that when they want their child to do well in their studies they tell them, “no TV.” If this is for Dunya, then how about someone who wants to excel in Ramadan?

“Fasting and the Qur’an will come and testify on behalf of the ‘Abd on the Day of Resurrection. The Fasting will say: O my lord, I denied him food and desires, so allow me to be a means for him to enter paradise. And the Qu’ran will say: O my Lord, I denied him sleep at night so allow me to be a means for him to enter Paradise. And (he will be entered into paradise) because of those two.” – Musnad Ahmad

Try this: Announce in your household that Ramadan is the official turnoff TV month. Be an example for others and do fun and rewarding things instead. Visit people, take on a Ramadan feeding project, increase yourself in knowledge, etc. Turn off the TV and turn on life.

Idea Four: Dua’ Time
Ramadan is the month of making dua’ to Allah, an essential compliment to fasting. Rasul Allah – sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam – said, “There are three persons dua’ that will be accepted (by Allah). The fasting person, the oppressed one, and the traveler.”

Try this: Make a list of all your goals in life. Make a section for your a) personal goals; b) spiritual goals; c) economic goals; and d) contribution goals. Every day during Ramadan, take out your list and make dua’ to Allah to grant you the tawfeeq to accomplish your goals. Insha Allah, you will attain your goals with hard work, both during and after Ramadan.

Idea Five: Parent Appreciation Month
We all know that the one who wakes us up for Suhoor is our mom. I know it was for me. If not for her alarm clock, her early morning cooking, her motherly love to go and wake everyone up … well, let’s just say our iftars would have become our suhoors. If you are living away from your parents, you know what I’m talking about.

Remember the hadith of the person who doesn’t reach Ramadan with forgiveness? The end part of the Hadith says they found their parents in old age and they were not a means for him to enter Jannah!

So, why not announce it loud and clear this month, “Thank you Mom! Thank you Dad!” Let’s take care of them this month with extra calls, extra hugs, and extra love.

Idea Six: Masjid Power Hour
During Ramadan, why not spend a few more moments in the Masjid before taking off. This could be done after Fajr or after Asr. Sit back, grab a Qur’an and remember Allah. As your time in the Masjid increases, bi idhnillaah, your love and heart attachment will increase. Make this your personal Masjid power hour.

Idea Seven: Bad Habit Buster
Many people already do this. They may have a smoking problem or a TV addiction. When Ramadan comes around they say, “I’m going to train myself to stop smoking or to stop watching excessive TV by abandoning it throughout Ramadan.”

So, you don’t have a smoking problem huh? Everyone has a bad habit and everyone has a recurring sin they pray they could desist from. Make Ramadan the training month by telling yourself to go without this sin for the entire month. Then, if Allah grants one Tawfeeq to complete the month, one should continue to pray to Allah to keep them away from the sin after Ramadan.

Idea Eight: The Gift Groove
Have you ever noticed how beloved a bottle of perfume is when it is handed out by a little four year old Muslim? Everyone loves a gift.

Why not take this a step forward? Go to your local Islamic bookstore and request a bulk purchase of some beneficial Islamic materials, something in the $1 range. Then, hand it out to everyone that comes to your masjid. Bi idhnillaah, you will find for the little effort one may put, people all throughout Ramadan will be learning from the gift.

Idea Nine: Ramadan Muslims, Convert!
It is true that on the first day of Ramadan, the number of Muslims in the local Masjid multiplies considerably. And, it is a sad moment on the first day after Ramadan that the Masjid attendance drops significantly. This idea is Operation No More Ramadan Muslims. We want people all year long!

Ibn Abbas I’tikaaf: A man came to Ibn Abbas while he was doing I’tikaaf in the masjid and asked him for his assistance. So, Ibn Abbas stood to leave and people around him warned him, ‘but you are in I’tikaaf’. He replied, “To assist my brother in fulfilling his need is more beloved to me than to perform I’tikaaf for 2 months in the Masjid of Rasul Allah – sal Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”

Try this: Make a ‘compassion crew’ that reaches out specifically to Ramadan Muslims. Extra special attention is showered on them and roles of responsibility are delegated to them so that they can participate more in the Masjid. Invite them to special Iftars where they are the center of attention.

With this extra attention and responsibility, bi idhnillaah, every month will be Ramadan for them and the masjids will be full all year.

Idea Ten: Home Halaqah
Muslim families often keep their worship for the Masjid, but why not make Muslim family time at home. It could work like this: After Taraweeh or Asr, the family gathers together for 15 minutes. There are many things you could do in your Halaqah, the main thing is that you set time aside for it.

For example, each family member may recite a few verses of Qur’an. Or, one of the kids can read a story of the Sahaabah so that all family members can be reminded. Or, each family member can speak about the blessings of Allah upon them and what they have in their lives for which they are thankful.

Just 15 minutes for the home Halaqah. For the entire family, bi idhnillah, it will be a spring of Eman.

Ten ideas to enhance your Ramadan:
Idea one: Compound Your Siyaam!
Idea two: Operation Guide the Youth
Idea Three: Turnoff TV Month
Idea Four: Dua’ Time
Idea Five: Parent Appreciation Month
Idea Six: Masjid Power Hour
Idea Seven: Bad Habit Buster
Idea Eight: The Gift Groove
Idea Nine: Ramadan Muslims, Convert!
Idea Ten: Home Halaqah

The past saw Muslims that spent their nights of Ramadan awake praying to Allah. It saw days where people, for the sake of Allah, went thirsty.

They knew that this season may never return on them and they heard Allah’s words “Ayyaman Ma’doodaat”– a limited number of days. Don’t let the sand of Ramadan slip away.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Surat Al Qadr / Laylat ul Qadr 97


By Sheikh: Aa'ed Al Karny

Deep at night, I had this dialogue with Satan. Shortly, I heard the Fajr prayer call. I wanted to go to the mosque.
  • He said: "The night is still long, so take a nap."
  • I said: "I'm afraid I'll miss my obligatory prayer!"
  • He said: "There is much time to go "
  • I said: "I'm afraid I'll miss praying in congregation."
  • He said: "Don't be too harsh on yourself in worship."
Then, I didn't wake up until the sun had already risen.

  • He whispered to me again saying: "Don't feel sorry for what you have missed. The day is still full of many other chances."
As soon as I started mentioning Allah, he brought to my mind all kinds of thoughts.
  • I said: "You are diverting me from making Duaa'."
  • He said: "Just delay it until the night." Shortly, I intended to repent.
  • He said: "Enjoy your young age before it comes to an end"!
  • I said: "I'm too afraid of death."
  • He said: "But your life will not end now."
I started to memorize Qor'an
  • He said: "Entertain yourself with songs."
  • I said: "But it's an unlawful thing to do."
  • He said: "Scholars differed on that matter
  • I said: "The evidences from the Prophet's sayings (peace be upon him) are with me"
  • He said: "But you know their sources are weak!"
A beautiful lady passed by, so I lowered my gaze.
  • He said: "What's wrong? It's just a gaze"!
  • I said: "A gaze puts me in a dangerous place."
  • He said: "It's lawful to contemplate in grace."
I went to the Kaaba (The Ancient House of Allah). There he was with me on the way.
  • He said: "What's the reason behind this trip?"
  • I said: "To make 'Umrah'."
  • He said: "You have risked dangers (on your travel) to do this Umra.
    Don't you know that good deeds have plenty of other doors?!!"
  • I said: "But my life needs a change for the better"
  • He said: "Don't you know that you can't enter Paradise through your deeds?
I went to give advice to people.
  • He said: "Don't put yourself in an embaressing situation.
  • I said: "But, my only aim is to benefit others."
  • He said: "That's a trap of self-admiration, and it is indeed the head of corruption."
  • I said: "Tell me your opinion about some people."
  • He said: " I can answer you of the private, as well as the general."
  • I said: "Ahmed Ibn Hanbal?"
  • He said: "His calling to follow Quraan and Sunnah was killing me."
  • I said: "Ibn Taymeyah?"
  • He said: "His words hit my head like a daily beating."
  • I said: "Al-Bukhari?"
  • He said: "I can even burn my house with his book."
  • I said: "Al-Haggag?"
  • He said: "I wish 1000 of men are like him. His way is cure and happiness to my colleagues of Satans."
  • I said: "Pharoah?"
  • He said: "Oh, to him victory and support we owe."
  • I said: "Saladin, the Hero of the battle of "Hetteen"?"
  • He said: "Let us not talk of him…he brought humiliation to my sons, and buried our heads in mud."
  • I said: "Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahab?"
  • He said: "His messages were like the heavenly fiery stars that were burning my heart"
  • I said: "Abu Jahl?"
  • He said: "The best kinship and brothers we are."
  • I said: "Abu Lahab?"
  • He said: "We are together in every step forever."
  • I said: "Lenin?"
  • He said: "Bounded by me, with Stalin on fire."
  • I said: "Nude Magazines?"
  • He said: "Are my holy books."
  • I said: "Satellites?"
  • He said: "Make people diabolical."
  • I said: "Coffee Shops?"
  • He said: "Welcome everyone who is diverted from Allah and the right way."
  • I said: "What is your duaa (athkaar)?"
  • He said: "Songs."
  • I said: "What is your job?"
  • He said: " False Hopes."
  • I said: "What do you think about the Markets?"
  • He said: "Clubs where my friends meet."
  • I said: "What do you think of the Socialist party?"
  • He said: "It is with which I have shared all my belongings, to whom I taught all my thoughts, intentions and prayers."
  • I said: "How do you misguide people?"
  • He said: "By desires, doubts, distracting amusements, hopes and songs."
  • I said: "How do you misguide women?"
  • He said: "I tempt them towards showing off their beauty, and favoring the prohibited over the lawful.
  • I said: "How do you misguide the Scholars?"
  • He said: "By paving the way for them to admiration and showing off, and by planting envy and pride in their hearts."
  • I said: "How do you misguide people as general?"
  • He said: "Through back-biting, tale-fabrication, wasting their times in things of no value and in useless cheap conversations."
  • I said: "How do you misguide merchants?"
  • He said: "By tempting them to deal with bribery, making them hate paying charity and by making spendthriftness beloved."
  • I said: "How do you misguide young people?"
  • He said: "By making them fall in the trap of love, reckless in following Allah's orders and committing the prohibited."
  • I said: "What do you think of "Israel", the Jewish state?"
  • He said: "Oh, don't try to backbite and speak ill of my beloved home country, the most dear to my heart."
  • I said: "What do you think of Abu Nawwas?"
  • He said: "Such a respectful character. His poems really inspired me."
  • I said: "And "modernity"?"
  • He said: "The inheritors of our satanic knowledge."
  • I said: "Secularity?"
  • He said: "That's my belief, and its believers are the cheating magicians and creators of false hopes. We all bear same names."
  • I said: "What do you think of Washington?"
  • He said: "The state of my beloved ones and the base for my army. Indeed it is my nation."
  • I said: "What do you think of those people who call to the word of Allah?"
  • He said: "They are torturing me! They inflict a lot of pain and misery on me. They made me an old man with gray hair! They destroy all what I build! They make noise when I speak, read when I sing, and seek refuge from me when I show up."
  • I said: "What do you say about newspapers?"
  • He said: "Means for wasting people's time, especially that of the elite, and means for stealing money."
  • I said: "What do you think of the BBC?"
  • He said: "It's my weapon. Through it I put the poison in the honey, ignite wars between Arabs & the other nations and flatter both the oppressor and oppressed."
  • I said: "What did you do with the Crow?"
  • He said: "I made him kill his brother and bury him under earth till he disappeared."
  • I said: "What did you do with Karoon?"
  • He said: "I whispered to him: You son of the old man. Save the treasuries to win. You are one of the greatest men."
  • I said: "What did you say to Pharoah?"
  • He said: "I told him: You are the greatest one in the palace. To win say: "Isn't it me who possess the power over Egypt?"."
  • I said: "What did you say to the one who drinks wine?"
  • He said: "I told him you should drink this grape's juice. It is the answer to all your problems. It wipes out your troubles. And don't worry, you know the way to repentance and its doors are always opened for you."
  • I said: "What kills you?"
  • He said: "Reading the verses of "Al Kursy" (the Chair). It prevents me from breathing and makes me feel I'm in an eternal prison, in a night full of misery."
  • I said: "Who are the most beloved people to you?"
  • He said: "Singers, poets that aim at misguiding people, sins doers, and every cunning person who goes astray."
  • I said: "Who is the most hateful person to you?"
  • He said: "Mosque-goers, everyone who kneels and prostrates to Allah, every pious and sincere worshipper, and every fighter in the cause of Allah."
  • I said: "I hereby seek refuge in Allah from you."
The moment I said so, he disappeared as though melting into the sand - and this is the liar's end.

حوار مع الشيطان
الشيخ عائض القرني

حوار مع الشيطان حاورت الشيطان الرجيم في الليل البهيم فلما سمعت أذان الفجر أردت للذهاب الى المسجد
فقال لي :عليك ليل طويل فارقد .
قلت: اخاف ان تفوتني الفريضة
قال :الاوقات طويله عريضة

قلت: اخشى ذهاب صلاة الجماعة
قال: لا تشدد على نفسك في الطاعة

فما قمت حتى طلعت الشمس ...
فقال لي في همس : لا تأسف على ما فات فاليوم كله أوقات

وجلست لآتي بالأذكار ففتح لي دفتر الأفكار

فقلت: أشغلتني عن الدعاء
قال: دعه الى المساء

وعزمت على المتاب ، فقال: تمتع بالشباب !
قلت: اخشى الموت
قال: عمرك لا يفوت ...

وجئت لأحفظ المثاني
قال: روّح نفسك بالاغاني
قلت: هي حرام
قال: لبعض العلماء كلام!
قلت: احاديث التحريم عندي في صحيفة
قال: كلها ضعيفة

ومرت حسناء فغضضت البصر
قال: ماذا في النظر؟
قلت: فيه خطر
قال: تفكر في الجمال فالتفكر حلال

وذهبت الى البيت العتيق فوقف لي في الطريق ..
فقال: ما سبب هذه السفرة ؟
قلت: لاخذ عمرة
فقال: ركبت الأخطار بسبب هذا الاعتمار وابواب الخير كثيرة والحسنات غزيرة
قلت: لابد من إصلاح الأحوال
قال: الجنة لاتدخل بالاعمال

فلما ذهبت لألقي نصيحة ..
قال: لا تجر الى نفسك فضيحة
قلت: هذا نفع العباد
فقال: اخشى عليك من الشهرة وهي رأس الفساد

قلت : فما رأيك في بعض الاشخاص؟
قال : أجيبك على العام والخاص
قلت : احمد بن حنبل؟
قال : قتلني بقوله عليكم بالسنة والقرآن المنزّل
قلت : فابن تيمية؟
قال : ضرباته على رأسي باليومية
قلت : فالبخاري؟
قال : احرق بكتابه داري
قلت : فالحجاج ؟
قال : ليت في الناس ألف حجاج فلنا بسيرته ابتهاج ونهجه لنا علاج
قلت : فرعون ؟
قال : له منا كل نصر وعون
قلت : فصلاح الدين بطل حطين؟
قال : دعه فقد مرغنا بالطين
قلت : محمد بن عبدالوهاب؟
قال : أشعل في صدري بدعوته الإلتهاب وأحرقني بكل شهاب
قلت : أبوجهل؟
قال : نحن له اخوة وأهل
قلت : فأبو لهب ؟
قال : نحن معه أينما ذهب !
قلت : فلينين؟
قال : ربطناه في النار مع استالين
قلت : فالمجلات الخليعة ؟
قال : هي لنا شريعة
قلت : فالدشوش ؟
قال : نجعل الناس بها كالوحوش
قلت : فالمقاهي ؟
قال : نرحب فيها بكل لاهي
قلت : ما هو ذكركم؟
قال : الأغاني
قلت : وعملكم؟
قال : الأماني
قلت : وما رأيكم بالاسواق ؟
قال : علمنا بها خفاق وفيها يجتمع الرفاق
قلت : فحزب البحث الاشتراكي ؟
قال : قاسمته أملاكي وعلمته أورادي وأنساكي
قلت : كيف تضل الناس ؟
قال : بالشهوات والشبهات والملهيات والأمنيات والأغنيات
قلت : كيف تضل النساء ؟
قال : بالتبرج والسفور وترك المأمور وارتكاب المحظور
قلت : فكيف تضل العلماء؟
قال : بحب الظهور والعجب والغرور وحسد يملأ الصدور
قلت : كيف تضل العامة ؟
قال : بالغيبة والنميمة والأحاديث السقيمة وما ليس له قيمة
قلت : فكيف تضل التجار ؟
قال : بالربا في المعاملات ومنع الصدقات والإسراف في النفقات
قلت : فكيف تضل الشباب ؟
قال : بالغزل والهيام والعشق والغرام والاستخفاف بالأحكام وفعل الحرام
قلت : فما رايك بدولة اليهود (اسرائي ؟
قال : اياك والغيبة فانها مصيبة واسرائيل دولة حبيبة ومن القلب قريبة
قلت : فأبو نواس؟
قال : على العين والرأس لنا من شعره اقتباس
قلت : فاهل الحداثة؟
قال : اخذوا علمهم منا بالوراثة
قلت : فالعلمانية؟
قال : إيماننا علماني وهم أهل الدجل والاماني ومن سماهم فقد سماني
قلت : فما تقول في واشنطن؟
قال : خطيبي فيها يرطن وجيشي فيها يقطن وهي لي وطن
قلت : فما رايك في الدعاة ؟
قال : عذبوني واتعبوني وبهذلوني وشيبوني يهدمون ما بنيت ويقرءون اذا غنيت ويستعيذون اذا أتيت
قلت : فما تقول في الصحف ؟
قال : نضيع بها أوقات الخلف ونذهب بها أعمار أهل الترف ونأخذ بها الأموال مع الأسف
قلت : فما تقول في هيئة الاذاعة البريطانية ؟
قال : ندخل فيها السم في الدسم ونقاتل بها بين العرب والعجم ونثني بها على المظلوم ومن ظلم
قلت : فما فعلت في الغراب ؟
قال : سلطته على أخيه فقتله ودفنه في التراب حتى غاب
قلت : فما فعلت بقارون ؟
قال : قلت له احفظ الكنوز يا ابن العجوز لتفوز فأنت أحد الرموز
قلت : فماذا قلت لفرعون ؟
قال : قلت له يا عظيم القصر قل أليس لي ملك مصر فسوف يأتيك النصر
قلت : فماذا قلت لشارب الخمر ؟
قال : قلت له اشرب بنت الكروم فإنها تذهب الهموم وتزيل الغموم وباب التوبة معلوم
قلت : فماذا يقتلك ؟
قال : آية الكرسي منها تضيق نفسي ويطول حبسي وفي كل بلاء امسي
قلت : فما أحب الناس اليك ؟
قال : المغنون والشعراء الغاوون وأهل المعاصي والمجون وكل خبيث مفتون
قلت : فما أبغض الناس اليك ؟
قال : أهل المساجد وكل راكع وساجد وزاهد عابد وكل مجاهد
قلت : أعوذ بالله منك فاختفى وغاب كانما ساخ في التراب وهذا جزاء الكذاب

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Muslim Youth Helpline

Asalaamu alaikum,

I pray that all of you are doing well in this blessed month of
Ramadan. Please watch this four minute video to see what we have
learned about the state of young Muslims across North America and how
you can help us deal with this situation.
In Search of 2,000 Heroes - to watch the video and learn more about
this campaign, please click here: http://www.naseeha.net/heroes.asp

You can also help by forwarding this email to all your relatives,
friends and colleagues across North America and by posting this video
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXyuzsOF-dM) on your:
- Facebook Profiles
- MySpace pages
- Forums
- Google/Yahoo and other online groups
- Youtube Channels
- Blogs
- Msn/Gmail/AIM screen names

Jazakallahu khair for your continued support!

Yaseen Poonah
Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline
Cell: (416) 543-7273
Office: (905) 949-5887
Fax: (416) 946-1832
Email: ypoonah@naseeha.net
Website: www.naseeha.net

When the Night Equals a Thousand

By Muhammad Alshareef, courtesy of www.SuccessInIslam.com

It was narrated that in the days that Musa alayhis salaam
wandered with Bani Israeel in the desert, an intense
drought befell them. Together, they raised their hands
towards the heavens praying for the blessed rain to come.
Then, to the astonishment of Musa alayhis salaam and all
those watching, the few scattered clouds that were in the
sky vanished, the heat poured down, and the drought

It was revealed to Musa that there was a sinner amongst the
tribe of Bani Israeel who had disobeyed Allah subhaanahu wa
ta ‘aala for more than forty years of his life. “Let
him separate himself from the congregation,” Allah
subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala told Musa alayhis salaam. “Only
then shall I shower you all with rain.”

Musa alayhis salaam then called out to the throngs of
humanity, “There is a person amongst us who has disobeyed
Allah for forty years. Let him separate himself from the
congregation and only then shall we be rescued from the

That man waited, looking left and right, hoping that
someone else would step forward, but no one did. Sweat
poured forth from his brow and he knew that he was the one.
The man knew that if he stayed amongst the congregation all
would die of thirst and that if he stepped forward he would
be humiliated for all eternity.

He raised his hands with a sincerity he had never known
before, with humility he had never tasted, and as tears
poured down on both cheeks he said, “O Allah, have mercy
on me! O Allah, hide my sins! O Allah, forgive me!”

As Musa alayhis salaam and the people of Bani Israeel
waited for the sinner to step forward, ....

To read what happened to this man and the full khutbah,
click here ...

Islamic Relief Orphan Drive

"Our Goal is to Reach 2008 in 2008"

Islamic Relief is hosting a Ramadan Orphan Drive to raise enough money to sponsor 2008 orphans in the year 2008. The goal is to bring MSA's, Islamic schools, youth groups, and the local community together to raise the amount in the month of Ramadan. It is our duty as Muslims to give back and help those in need. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "I and the one who takes care of an orphan and provides for him will be in paradise like this."
So lets all get out there and help make a difference. for more information check out the website: http://www.irw.org/orphandrive/index.htm

MAS Youth Gives Back to Humanity

"Serve the Creator by Serving his Creation"
By Feda Manasrah

"It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it" Spoken by a true
preservationist of our country, Eleanor Roosevelt, and implemented by the sixteen members of Muslim American Society (MAS) Youth, Inland Empire, on Sunday September 21st at the 8th Annual Humanitarian Day in Los Angeles. One of the six signature projects, MAS Youth Give gathered their sixteen dedicated volunteers and $2000 worth of backpacks and hygiene kits and wasted no time giving back.
Being there was an eye opener for many, learning that we go through hardships every day that are only an ounce of what people all over the world endure each day. MAS member and volunteer on Humanitarian Day Anwar Milbes said she realized "that we are truly blessed for what we have, and that we need to thank Allah day in and day out for all that we have."
Events like Humanitarian Day and upcoming ones from MY Give such as MY Give Eid Gift Drive, giving gifts to children in the hospital, and the national march to cure breast cancer, give us the opportunity every day to "serve the Creator by serving His creation." This motto is employed in the various events in hopes that today's youth will put this into practice each and every day making it a part of their every day habits. The MY Give project organizes community service activities regularly, and we are always looking for interested youth to volunteer and take this opportunity to appreciate the things in life that Allah has given us. For more information, please contact give@mas-ie.com.