This month, a lunar eclipse will take place on Monday, December 20. As a sunnah and common practice of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), it is recommend you participate in performing Salat al Kusuf.
Ruling: Most of the people of knowledge ('ulama) regard it as an important sunnah (mu'akkadah); Imam Abu Hanifah said it was obligatory (wajib), whilst Imam Malik regarded it as equal to Salat al-Jumu'ah (Friday Prayer) in importance.
1 comment:
Mash'Allah! Should I tell you a story you might like it goes like this
These were the words of Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, when a solar eclipse took place on the very day that his infant son Ibrahim passed away: 29th Shawwal 10 H / 27th January 632 C.E. A false prophet would undoubtedly have claimed that such a magnificent celestial event was a sign of heavenly mourning for the loss of his loved one, but not so the final Messenger of God, who led the community of Muslims in prayer for as long as the eclipse lasted, then admonished them regarding their reckoning with their Lord on the Day of Judgment.
The Muslim reaction to lunar and solar eclipses in general can be summarized as follows:
1. Solar and lunar eclipses are reminders of the Day of Judgment, when the sun, moon and stars will all lose their light.
"When the sight is dazed, and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and moon are joined together: Man will say on that day, Where is the refuge?." (Surat al-Qiyamah, the Resurrection)
Thought You might like it He!He!He!
Allah be with you.Take Care
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