The Muslim American Society (MAS) has launched a national initiative, the Straight Path Campaign, addressing the issue of extremism in our community. We are calling on all Muslims to contribute to this important discussion. Below is some background and starting point for the discussions.
Discussion 1: Why is this initiative important, and what are its key goals?
- Muslim youth across America are exposed to extremist ideas, whether through interaction with radical groups, or through the internet.
- The goals are to (a) provide people with an alternative way to express themselves aside from violence; (b) provide young people with positive tools for social change; (c) educate people about the high cost of extremism for their communities and for themselves.
- Extremism is a big problem in many countries around the world. It is also highly contagious. This is our chance to address it early on, before it becomes an even bigger problem in our own country.
- Some external elements will not desire the call for moderation to prevail amongst Muslim youth
- Finding creative ways to connect effectively with a positive message to all Muslim youth
- Overcoming misconception that extremism is part of Islam
- Islamophobes misrepresenting our efforts
- Full engagement from all segments of our community in this effort.
- Some may believe that the issue is mostly media-hype, and that it is not a real problem.
- Raising funds to sustain the initiative.
- Peace and moderation are key Islamic concepts.
- An opportunity to connect, mobilize, and organize Muslim youth around a positive message.
- An opportunity for Muslims to play a key role in addressing a need that is clearly a priority to our country.
- Sends a clear and actionable message, that Islam stands against extremism
During the next few weeks, please take the following action
- Initiate a discussion on the topic with your family, friends, in your study circles, in an Islamic center, in town-hall meetings, and in your organizations. Start with the points mentioned above. Add other discussion questions such as : what is extremism, is it a threat to your community, what fuels extremism, what is the cost of extremism, what are the arguments used by extremists and how do we refute them, how is Jihad misinterpreted by extremists, who are our allies in this campaign, what are creative means to combat extremism?
- Send this blog to your friends and your local email lists
- For discussion leaders, share your discussion notes using this new online survey. Also, pass on this other survey to discussion participants after the discussion.
- Volunteer, identify and recruit individuals who have interest to work on this project locally and nationally. Fill out this online survey to volunteer for this initiative. You will be placed in local and national teams, based on your skills, interests, and availability.
- Recommend candidates to apply for the full time position of Director for this national campaign.
The Muslim American Society (MAS) has the largest network of dedicated Muslim youth and volunteers across America. We have a duty to answer the call to address this challenge facing our country and our community.
[The Straight Path Campaign. www.islampath.org]
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