Monday, April 26, 2010

Three White Days for the Month of Jumad Al-Awwal

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

Just a Reminder, InshaAllah the three white days (13, 14, and 15) for the month of Jumad Al-Awwal will be from this Tuesday, April 27th - Thursday, April 29th. Try and fast them if you can.

Jareer ibn ‘Abdullaah (rAa) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “
Fasting three days of each month is fasting for a lifetime, and ayaam al-beed are the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth." [Al-Nasaa'i; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheel al-Targheeb]

Qatada ibn Milhan said, "
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to command us to fast the white days: the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth." [Abu Dawud]

Ibn 'Abbas said, "
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) did not fail to fast the white days either when at home or on a journey." [an-Nasa'i]

*****There is a yahoo group titled '
ThreeWhiteDays' that will send email reminders of when these days will be observed for each month.

Wafā' وفاء Manasrah

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Muslim Graduation Ceremony - Orange County & Inland Empire

*Please spread the word....we are counting on you!
Asalamu Alaikum Brothers & Sisters,

The Islamic Society of Orange County and the Islamic Center of Riverside are hosting its 8th Annual Muslim Graduation Ceremony for ALL Muslim graduates in Orange County and the Inland Empire.  This event is free of charge and it is open to all graduate levels (High School, College & Graduate Level).  We are very excited for this event, as it will bring (Insha’Allah) unity amongst the Muslims in Orange County as well as Riverside County.

Last year Orange County hosted its first annual graduation ceremony, hosted by Islamic Institute of Orange County, while the Islamic Center of Riverside hosted its 7th annual ceremony.  This year, we decided to combine the two counties and create one large event to honor all of the graduates. 

We will be offering over $16,000 dollars in scholarships to the graduates this year.
We have Applications to distribute to all the graduates so they are able to register for the ceremony.

If you are graduating this year from High School, College or Grad School and are interested in being recognized on stage as a Muslim graduate, please email  for more information.

How can I attend?
Fill out the Application Form (for all graduates) and return it by
faxing or emailing it back to the committee.

How can I apply for a scholarship?
Fill out the Application Form and return it completed along with
all the checklist items to the address on the application.

How can I apply for the essay and/or video competition?
Read the guidelines for the scholarships, essay and video competitions.  Select a topic of your choice from the list and submit your work by May 31, 2010.

Important Documents:

When and where is the event?
Sunday June 20, 2010 @ 5:30 PM
Riverside Convention Center
3443 Orange Street
Riverside CA 92501

We will need your help to spread the word to all Muslim graduates in Orange County and Riverside. So please spread the word by spreading this email. Even if you are not graduating this year…..but know of other Muslims….please we need you to forward this email to them.

Check out our Facebook Event for updates and notifications: "Muslim Graduation Ceremony - OC and Inland Empire"

Natasha Radwan
Muslim Grad Committee
Hosted by the Islamic Society of Orange County and the Islamic Center of Riverside

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Suhaib Webb, Yusuf Estes & Megan Wyatt - This Weekend? Say What?!

:: Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem ::

Living Islam in America with Imam Suhaib Webb
April 23, 2010 | 7pm
Masjid Omar al-Farouk

explaining the Islamic faith for Muslims and non-Muslims
@ Cal State Fullerton 
Shaykh Yusuf Estes | Imam Suhaib Webb 
Sister Megan Wyatt

April 24, 2010 | 1:00 PM
Please email for more info.
 *This is a free event, but your generous donations are appreciated.*

with Imam Suhaib Webb & Shaykh Yusuf Estes
April 24, 2010 | 7:30pm
Masjid Omar al-Farouk

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

MYgive and BigSunday: KEEN

MYgive and BigSunday: 
Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (KEEN)
Sunday, May 2nd, 2010
You must register online at or here
Facebook Event here

Friday, April 16, 2010

There was before, NOW there is.....after

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

Alhamdulillah, I have finally finished giving my blog a makeover! Check it out at

Wafaa =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Straight Path Campaign

An Alert to American Muslims
The Muslim American Society (MAS) has launched a national initiative, the Straight Path Campaign, addressing the issue of extremism in our community. We are calling on all Muslims to contribute to this important discussion. Below is some background and starting point for the discussions.
Discussion 1: Why is this initiative important, and what are its key goals?
  1. Muslim youth across America are exposed to extremist ideas, whether through interaction with radical groups, or through the internet.
  2. The goals are to (a) provide people with an alternative way to express themselves aside from violence; (b) provide young people with positive tools for social change; (c) educate people about the high cost of extremism for their communities and for themselves.
  3. Extremism is a big problem in many countries around the world. It is also highly contagious. This is our chance to address it early on, before it becomes an even bigger problem in our own country.
Discussion 2: What Obstacles or challenges might we face in addressing these issues?
  1. Some external elements will not desire the call for moderation to prevail amongst Muslim youth
  2. Finding creative ways to connect effectively with a positive message to all Muslim youth
  3. Overcoming misconception that extremism is part of Islam
  4. Islamophobes misrepresenting our efforts
  5. Full engagement from all segments of our community in this effort.
  6. Some may believe that the issue is mostly media-hype, and that it is not a real problem.
  7. Raising funds to sustain the initiative.
Discussion 3: Why should the Muslim community address this problem?
  1. Peace and moderation are key Islamic concepts.
  2. An opportunity to connect, mobilize, and organize Muslim youth around a positive message.
  3. An opportunity for Muslims to play a key role in addressing a need that is clearly a priority to our country.
  4. Sends a clear and actionable message, that Islam stands against extremism
What you can do:
During the next few weeks, please take the following action
  1. Initiate a discussion on the topic with your family, friends, in your study circles, in an Islamic center, in town-hall meetings, and in your organizations. Start with the points mentioned above. Add other discussion questions such as : what is extremism, is it a threat to your community, what fuels extremism, what is the cost of extremism, what are the arguments used by extremists and how do we refute them, how is Jihad misinterpreted by extremists, who are our allies in this campaign, what are creative means to combat extremism?
  2. Send this blog to your friends and your local email lists
  3. For discussion leaders, share your discussion notes using this new online survey. Also, pass on this other survey to discussion participants after the discussion.
  4. Volunteer, identify and recruit individuals who have interest to work on this project locally and nationally. Fill out this online survey to volunteer for this initiative. You will be placed in local and national teams, based on your skills, interests, and availability.
  5. Recommend candidates to apply for the full time position of Director for this national campaign.
We plan to synthesize all your inputs to shape our current plans
The Muslim American Society (MAS) has the largest network of dedicated Muslim youth and volunteers across America. We have a duty to answer the call to address this challenge facing our country and our community.
[The Straight Path Campaign.]

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Leadership Workshop: 16 keys to be an effective leader

Assallamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
MAS-IE presents:

The 16 KEYS to be an effective leader at home, work, and in the community.

This is a one day intensive workshop designed for community leaders, youth leadership, business owners, and more.....

Space is limited and early registration ends tonight!!!
Register online at and reserve your spot today!
(Lunch will be provided)

Beautiful Story: "Woe Unto You, O Dinaar!"

There is an interesting story related about Dinaar al-‘Ayaar. Dinaar had a righteous mother who would constantly advise him to repent for his wayward, sinful existence, but as much as she tried, her words had no positive effect on him whatsoever. Then, one day, as he was walking by a graveyard, he stopped to pick up a bone. He was shocked to see how it crumbled and turned to dust in his hand. The sight of that bone had a profound effect on Dinaar. He began to think about his life and his past sins, and he then exclaimed, “Woe unto you, O Dinaar, you are going to end up like this crushed bone, and your body will turn into dust.” All of his past sins then flashed before his eyes, and he made a firm resolve to repent. Turning his gaze towards the sky, he said, “My Lord, I now turn to you in complete submission, so accept me and have Mercy on me.”

With a completely changed heart and state of mind, Dinaar went to his mother and said, “Mother, what does a master do when he captures his slave who had run away from him?” She said, “[To punish him] the master provides him with coarse clothing and low-quality food; and he ties his hands and feet so that he does not make another attempt to escape.” Dinaar said, “Then I want a garment made of coarse wool, low-quality barley, and two chains. Mother, do with me that which is done with a runaway slave. Perhaps my Lord will, upon seeing my humiliation and humility, have mercy on me.” Seeing that her son was adamant and resolute in his request, she complied.

At the beginning of every ensuing night, Dinaar would begin to cry and wail uncontrollably. And he would continue to repeat to himself the words, “Woe unto you, O Dinaar, do you have the power to withstand the Hell fire? How brazen you have been to have led a life that has made you deserving of the anger of the All-Mighty!” He would continue upon that state until the morning.

Turning wan and pale, Dinaar’s body slowly wasted away. Not being able to bear seeing him in that pitiable state, his mother said, “My son, be easy on yourself.” He answered, “My mother, let me remain tied for a short while, so that perhaps I can achieve long-term comfort later on. For tomorrow, I will be waiting a long time before my Majestic Lord, and I do not know whether He will order me to go to places of beautiful shade or to places of unspeakable horror.”

She said, “My son, at least rest for a while.” He said, “It is not present rest or comfort that I am seeking out. Mother, it is as if I see you and other people being led tomorrow towards Paradise, while I am being led towards the Hell-fire along with his inhabitants.” She left him then, and he returned to crying, worshipping, and reciting the Quran. One night, as he was reciting the Quran, he came across these verses:

فَوَرَبِّكَ لَنَسْأَلَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِين عَمَّا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ َ

So, by your Lord [o Muhammad], We shall certainly call all of them to account, for all that they used to do.

[al-Hijr : 92-93]

As he contemplated the meanings and implications of these verses, he cried with such intensity that he fainted. His mother rushed to him and tried very hard to revive him, but he wouldn’t respond. She thought he had died. Looking into the face of her son, she said, “O my beloved one, O the joy of my heart, where shall we meet again?” In fact, Dinaar still had some life left in him, and hearing his mother’s words, he answered with a faint voice, “My mother, if you do not find me on the wide plains of the Day of Resurrection, then ask Maalik, the Custodian of Hell-fire about me.” He then made a croaking sound and died.

After she finished washing his body, Dinaar’s mother prepared him for his funeral. She then went out and made the announcement, “O people, come to the funeral prayer of one who has been killed by [fear of] the Hell-fire.” People began to come from all directions. It is said that during that era, no greater gathering came together and no amount of tears were shed as much as on that day.

On the same night that his funeral was held, one of Dinaar’s friends saw him in a dream, attired in a green robe. Dinaar was prancing around in Paradise, all the while reciting the verse:

فَوَرَبِّكَ لَنَسْأَلَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِين عَمَّا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ َ

So, by your Lord [o Muhammad], We shall certainly call all of them to account, for all that they used to do.

During the dream, his friend heard him say, “By His Might and Majesty, He asked me [about my deeds]. Having mercy on me, He forgave me and pardoned me [my sins.] Lo! Convey news of this to my mother.”

Stories of Repentance. Compiled By Muhammad Abduh Mughawiri.]