Trailer for Qabeelat Haqq's upcoming Sciences of Hadeeth Seminar:
If you attended Shaykh Abdul Bary's last Seerah class with Qabeelat Haqq, you witnessed an entire room of over 150 students brought to tears which lasted long after class ended. The love and the loss of the Prophet SAW was fresh in the hearts of the students. Lets make that happen again at Chain of Command: Sciences of Hadeeth.
How can we be sure about what the Prophet SAW said? Let's find out.
If all hadith had been given up, what would remain but a wide and empty chasm, fourteen centuries wide, between us and the Prophet? The Qur'aan would be understood according to our whims and desires. And the Prophet, sal Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, would be seen as a mere myth surrounded by legends.
Chain of Command: Sciences of Hadeeth
Coming to Qabeelat Haqq on June 12th & June 20th!
Check it out and enroll!! http://www.almaghrib.org/
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