Monday, January 5, 2009

Duaa for the people of Gaza (and all the oppressed)

Du`a’ for the people of Gaza

Oh Allah, the most Exalted, the most Blessed

The ever living who never dies

The one who sustains all that exists,

In Your mercy we seek refuge

Oh Allah, rescue the people of Gaza

Oh Allah, rescue the people of Gaza

Oh Allah, rescue the people of Gaza

Oh Allah, mitigate their sorrow and grief

Oh Allah, cause a rapid relief

Oh Allah, You are the loving, the Originator,

The Restorer

Oh Allah, The Lord of the glorious throne

Oh Allah, you are the Doer of all that you want

And the Doer of what we can’t

We ask you- by the glory of Your face that filled

Your heavens, and we ask you by the power You

have over your creation-

to save the people of Gaza

Oh Allah, save the people of Gaza for You are the

Rescuer of the weak and the oppressed

Oh Allah, grant them steadfastness and patience

Oh Allah, make their hearts firm and strong

Oh Allah, descent peace and warmth unto them

i this bitter cold

Oh Allah, provide shelter and security to them

Oh Allah, replace the darkness of the city with

light in their hearts and unto all their senses

Oh Allah, accept their martyrs and cure the injured

Oh Allah, send your mercy unto the mothers who

lost their children, and the wives who lost their husbands, and the kids who lost their parents

Oh Allah, send your mercy unto the elders who

bow for the glory of Your face.

Oh Allah, the most Exalted, the most Blessed

The ever living who never dies

The one who sustains all that exists,

In Your mercy we seek refuge


دعاء لأهل غزة

يا ذا الجلال والإكرام.. يا حي يا قيوم

برحمتك نستغيث

اللهم أغث أهل غزة

اللهم أغث أهل غزة

الهم .. اكشف عنهم الكرب..

اللهم عجّل بالفـرج..

يا ودود يا ودود... يا ذا العرش المجيد... يا مبدئ يا معيد...

يا فعالا لما يريد... نسألك بنور وجهك الذي ملأ أركان عرشك

ونسألك بقدرتك التي قدرت بها على جميع خلقك.

أغث أهل غزة... يا مغيث أغث أهل غزة..."

اللهم أغث أهل غزة

اللهم اشدد أزرهم

اللهم أربط على قلوبهم

اللهم أنزل عليهم دفئا وسلاما

وأمنا وأمانا

فى هذا البرد القارس

اللهم اجعل من الظلام نورا

فى قوبهم ونورا فى سمعهم

ونورا من فوقهم ونورا من تحتهم

اللهم تقبل شهدائهم واشف مرضاهم

وارحم الأمهات الثكالى والزوجات الأرامل

يا ذا الجلال والإكرام.. يا حي يا قيوم

برحمتك نستغيث


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