Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu
So today is the first day of Islamic Awareness Week at UC Riverside. The MSA (Muslim Student Association) is leading it and today is supposedly Women's Day. This is my problem with Women's Day....the way they want to "celebrate" and "honor" Muslim women is is no way the right way. They want to show and express how NORMAL we are. i have a big problem with that. I have a problem with Sisters who want to go places and do things and wear certain clothing so that they can "fit in". Why so? Why not be proud of being Muslim women and walk around campus in true Islamic attire, the beautiful Hijab? In one of the descriptions they actually said that we should try and stay away from wearing dark colors so that we can look happy, etc. That in itself told me I did not need to go since i was dressed up in a black abaya and black hijab. but in reality, i could not go because i am at work writing this, lol.
My point is this, we try so hard to show everyone that we are normal but in reality, normal based on Western standards is not Islam. If you want to be 'normal' you are not living and acting as a true Muslim. Let us try to live and make it a point that "Hey, I am Different!". What's wrong with living and being different?
"the way they want to "celebrate" and "honor" Muslim women is not way the right way"
How should we be celebrating and honoring muslim women?
By wearing the Hijab in the correct manner and hold classes/ativities in a strict environment where men and women do not mix so freely. for example, instead of having "girl parties" where the night is spent listening to music we should hold a gathering where we each introduce a new islamic thought and try to apply it in our lives.
1. I hope you told the sisters of your opinion before posting it up on the blog.
2. "Normal" - depends on each persons perspective. If they are trying to show a different light on hijab rather than what non Muslims see in the media - then why not? As long as it meets the hijab requirements and the modesty factor then you should work with it, not against the idea. You still could have shown up in your abaya and shown off the different styles of dress. Big dawah opportunity as well.
3. In regards to your comment above, I dont know whether you are mixing the two concept of the Women's Day and a party - IAW related. Unless if your MSA is promoting a party for this "honoring" Muslim women, then the two concepts are different.
Sisters enjoy having girl parties to unwind - which I'm sure you are well aware of. Try it out with nasheeds or just a plain tabla instead to make it more halal. That is aside from "honoring" Muslim women" at an IAW event. I would assume that the MSA would take an active role in providing educational "gatherings' as you stated for both genders and keeping it in the strict environment. Both are attainable goals and ideal.
My goal in writing this was not to upset any sister's or the MSA. the point i was trying to make is that the MSA's are doing a poor job in displaying "women's rights". plus, we all know that true hijab means full covering, something i myself haven't been able to master. so this note is first written to remind me that as Muslimah's in the western society we are not dressing according to the shair'iah. and when you have an islamic event where sister's are all displaying themselves in a manner that is unislamic, we should then speak up. some people might think you are doing more good cuz your showing the non-muslims how we are "normal", but i think we are not doing any good by displaying islamic dress incorrectly.
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